Canoeing Down the Colorado

May 31, 2017 Comments Off on Canoeing Down the Colorado

Over the Memorial Day weekend Milton and I canoed approximately 6 miles down the Colorado River in San Saba, TX.  We were lucky enough to enjoy it with friends and family, and it was an absolute blast.

Little did I know I was signing up for marriage boot camp!  In the four(ish) hours that it took us to make it down the river I realized so much about my relationship with Milton. The biggest takeaway: we are both leaders, but when we both try to lead we clash.

Learning How To Let Go

For the first half of the trip Milton and I were basically wasting our energy zig zagging from river bank to river bank rather than traveling down the center. Why? Because when one person saw we were going in the wrong direction we both tried to correct it, resulting in us over-correcting. This happened over and over again, until I decided to trust Milton to take the lead.  I was sitting at the bow of the canoe with Milton behind me, so I told him to tell me when to switch sides (the side I was paddling).  Within no time we were going straight.


In the past few months I’ve been on what feels like an emotional rollercoaster.

Am I happy with my job?

Should I even keep blogging?

I love where I work and I can’t wait to start my new position!

Blogging is so much fun!

I’m not working out enough.

My legs look great today!


I could go on. This canoe trip put things into perspective though.  As long as I was trying to control the direction of our boat my effort was not efficient and kept leading us in the wrong direction. Once I let go, our path became straighter.

It is simply human nature to try to control the direction your life is headed in.  Try as we might, but God’s direction is always straighter.  You’ve heard the phrase “Let go and let God.”  That is literally what I am talking about.  In many facets of my life I have tried to control the outcome, and it never worked out until I decided to let it go and pray about it.

In my bio I state, “Praying to inspire others while following the path laid before me.”  Well here it is.  If you’re fighting for control over a situation in your life right now, stop. Let go and put your trust in something bigger. It’s worth it, I PROMISE!