Exercise Diary: April 17th through 21st

May 3, 2017 Comments Off on Exercise Diary: April 17th through 21st


I realized today that I am far overdue for a fitness post.  When I started Cait and Co I did not have the intentions of it being a fitness blog, but exercise is such an important part of my life that it only makes sense to share my fitness journey.  This is the first exercise diary of many that I will share. This is more than just showing you how I sweat. This is a way to keep myself accountable!

Since the age of 3 I have taken part in some kind of organized physical activity.  Dance is my first love, and always will be.  I begged my mom to put me in a dance class when I was little!  All I wanted was to be a prima ballerina.  Then I tried my hand at other sports like volleyball, basketball, and track.  Currently I enjoy staying active by going to exercise classes at the gym, jogging around the lake, and sneaking in a little workout at home if I don’t have time for the other.

Exercise is so much more to me than being fit.  Whether it’s jogging or yoga, physical activity is my number one stress reliever.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Running is cheaper than a therapist.”  Well I am a full believer in that.  If I could run every day I’d be the happiest girl on earth.

To preface this workout diary… I am very fortunate to work for a company with a gym on site.  During my lunch break I like to go to the gym for a light cardio session most days of the week. I treat this workout as “insurance,” if you will, just in case I don’t get a chance to exercise later in the day.  However, this does NOT mean I skip lunch.  I eat my lunch at my desk about an hour before going to the gym (which is not the greatest thing because it can turn into mindless eating, but that is another post for another day).

Monday, April 17th

30 minutes on the elliptical around 1:30 pm. Body Pump class 6:45 pm.

I’ve been going to body pump once a week for about two years now.  I am so hooked on that class.  If you’re not familiar, Body pump is a Les Mills fitness class that focuses on light weights with a lot of reps. The movements are set to music, which makes the class so fun!  Each song focuses on a different muscle group.  If you don’t like to lift weights on your own this is a great way to get a full session of weight lifting in.

Tuesday, April 18th

4 mile jog outdoors. 8 minutes jogging, 2 minutes walking for the duration of the jog.

This is my preferred way to burn calories. I started running during my 5th year of college and got into great shape.  My stress was very under control as well.  I’m not the fastest runner (four miles takes me about 42 minutes) so it is not very often I have this much time to set aside for a long run.

Wednesday, April 19th

30 minute walk on 5% incline on the treadmill + body weights: 15 squats, 15 lunges on each leg, 15 push-ups, and 30 second plank. Repeat set 3 times. (work lunch break)

Thursday, April 20th

30 minute treadmill workout. 17 minutes jogging at 5.2 mph. (work lunch break)

Friday, April 21st

Lazy girl, which is 100% okay!  This is called keeping your sanity.


What is your favorite way to sweat?  If you’re in the Austin area I’d love to know what your favorite workout classes are, or what your favorite running route is.