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Exercise Diary as of Late

June 22, 2017 Comments Off on Exercise Diary as of Late

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I’ve been wanting to share another exercise diary on my blog, but I haven’t been working out as consistently as I was a month ago. Then I realized that I shouldn’t wait until I get 5 full days of exercise in during one week, because why put y’all under the impression that I always workout that much. I have decided to be more realistic and share what I’ve actually been up to recently as far as fitness goes. This post is a little more of an exercise summary than an exercise diary, but I wanted to keep the series going. How many times a week have I worked out for the past month? Two-ish. That’s okay though! Here’s what I’ve been up to…

My Favorite Workout Class

In my last exercise diary I raved about the Les Mills Body Pump class. Well, I still love it. I hate missing body pump on Monday evenings, even if it is at the exact same time as the Bachelorette.  There is nothing like starting your week with a kick ass weight session. Milton and I started going to a different location of our gym and we love the instructor there. She is so positive and cracks jokes throughout the class. She also has an English accent so that makes it even better!

When I Can’t Make it to the Gym

The day before we left for Chicago I had so much laundry and cleaning to do, so going to the gym was just not in the books for me. Once I got the laundry going I threw my running shoes on and did a warmup jog around the neighborhood (which ended up being about a mile). I finished my workout in my backyard doing three sets of the following:

  • lunge walk across the yard, jog back (x2 each set)
  • 20 jump squats
  • 10 squats with shoulder press (8lb weights)
  • 10 pushups, and I can proudly say these were done on my toes

It was quick little workout, but I definitely broke a sweat. Probably because it’s June in Texas… And don’t forget your bug spray!

Exercising Out of Town

I spent last weekend visiting my parents for Father’s Day.  Working out at their house is interesting because there is no gym for miles, which forces me to be creative with my exercising. At the same time, the neighbors are far enough away that they can’t see how big of a goon I look like. My workout consisted of:

  • 5 minute warmup jog down the street
  • Repeat 3x
    • Sprint length of the driveway (2x each set)
    • 15 squats
    • 15 lunges, each leg
    • 30 jump ropes

I think the last time I actually did a sprint was sophomore year of high school. I’ll let your imagination figure out how long ago that was, haha! Holy hell, my legs were barking at me after this workout. I think I achieved the ultimate muscle confusion.

How Can I Improve?

There is always room for improvement. I want to improve my upper body strength. Outside of the body pump class, I rarely do arms and abs (I suck at planks). If you have a favorite core and/or upper body workout please share! I need some motivation.