Coffee With Cait No. 5

March 18, 2020 Comments Off on Coffee With Cait No. 5

Since we are all at home looking for things to do I figured I’d write another Coffee With Cait. Topics in this coffee chat: journaling, what I’m reading, Caroline’s toys, SAHM stuff, and CBD.

SAHM life and COVID-19

It is business as usual for me and Caroline during this COVID-19 shutdown. To all the other moms, welcome to the dark side that is stay-at-home-mom life. I don’t mean that to be insensitive, but it is a thought that has been crossing my mind for a few days now. I’ve always said, “Being a mom is not easy either way you slice it,” meaning neither stay-at-home moms nor working moms have it easy. I cannot imagine having to work from home and care for my child at the same time. I hope businesses are very understanding of the demand parents are facing right now. Also…if anyone needs formula and you live on the island PLEASE let me know. Send me a DM on Instagram. I have some containers leftover (unopened).


I started reading Open Book by Jessica Simpson. For Lent, I decided to take time to read every day and this is the book I’m currently reading. It is really good. If you’re around my age you will really enjoy it because, like me, you grew up listening to her music and cutting your jeans to make your own daisy dukes like hers. I never could get them quite right. She journals and it reminds me of how much I used to journal, so I started again! It is such a good release! In a way, this blog is sort of my public journal.

Caroline’s Toys

I finally got tired of picking up one million toys every day. This week I put away a lot of Caroline’s toys and started putting out one thing at a time for her to play with. She played with her Fisher Price Little People house for about twenty consecutive minutes the other day (that is a long time for a 12 month old!). Today I got out her large plastic blocks, and it has been going great so far. Her toy basket with stuffed animals and books and her ball pit are still out. Less is more when it comes to toys and self play!


I have been hesitant to even type those letters out on my blog. While it used to be rather controversial, it seems that people are becoming more desensitized to it and/or learning more about it. Two bloggers that I really enjoy and trust (TIBAL and Lauren Kay Sims) take the CBD gel capsules by Equilibria. I ordered some the other day and they should be here soon. Is anyone interested in reading my personal experience with CBD?