I Started An Etsy Shop

May 18, 2020 Comments Off on I Started An Etsy Shop

Well y’all, I started an Etsy shop. It is called CaitAndCoShop.

This is not something I have been thinking about for a long time. I kind of just thought of it one day last week, and the next day I pulled up my Etsy account and gave it a go. It was actually very easy to set up!

Like a lot of people, I started crafting during the Q. Actually, I started this “craft” back in February. I was planning Caroline’s Mardi Gras outfit for the parade (far in advance, of course) and I didn’t have a purple bow for her. Instead of buying an expensive bow I decided to make my own. I found the fabric online and a pulled up a YouTube video. Then boom, I had a purple bow.

Mardi Gras Shirt

Stroller | Jacket | Moccasins | Bow (coming soon)

I had a TON of purple fabric leftover, so I made a bow for each of Caroline’s friends and listed the rest of the bows in my Poshmark closet.

Caroline’s hair has since gotten long enough to wear clip bows in it. She also started pulling the head wraps off (sad day). At this point we were a couple of weeks into the Q and I thought these bows would be fun to make after she went to bed. I ordered two more colors and some alligator clips. After a little trial and error I honed in on a super cute bow. Of course, I passed out bows to all of Caroline’s friends and listed the rest on my Poshmark.

Shop this bow!

Shop this bow!

I have been enjoying selling my stuff on Poshmark for a little extra cash, but the 20% they take from your sales hurts a little. I finally realized that I could list my boutique items (bows and head wraps) on Etsy and get more money out of the sale. Etsy is pretty saturated when it comes to hair bows though! There are a lot of women out there that had the same idea as me: why am I buying these when I could make them myself?!

So if you are on Etsy feel free to show some love to my shop! I only have a couple of items listed right now, but I am planning on adding more soon. Yesterday I tried my hand at tie dying some baby onesies and they look pretty cute. If there is anything you’d like to see on there please share your thoughts with me in the comments.