Coffee With Cait No. 2

October 14, 2019 Comments Off on Coffee With Cait No. 2

Grab your coffee. Sharing the story of Caroline meeting 50 Cent, how Target marks up prices in store, I just started my Christmas shopping, and the Nike shoes I will never run in again.

I Hate Running In Nikes

During the Nordstrom Anniversary sale I bought some cute Nikes running shoes. I like to get a new pair of athletic shoes during the sale. These Nikes were super cute! I did not plan on them being a workout shoe. I would mostly be wearing them when running errands or going for easy walks. Well, I got a wild hair and decided to run in them. Mind you, it has been maybe a year since I have been able to bust out a 5k. I started out with an easy jog. I traveled about 2.5 miles, but probably only jogged half of it. It felt great! Fast forward to 4 jogs later and my knees and shins were killing me! The last time I ran in Nikes was probably over 10 years ago and they did the same thing. I’m not sure why I thought this time around would be any different. So I ditched the Nikes (for running) and went to the Asics outlet up the road.

Target Price Matching

OK SO…I shared this on stories but I wanted to put this on the blog as well. If you are shopping for something in particular at Target and plan on buying it in the store, check the price online first and take a screenshot. Caroline has grown out of her bath seat recently and I wanted to get a non-slip mat to put in the bathtub for her to sit on. I searched on the Target app for one and found exactly what I was looking for. Luckily, I took a screenshot of it so I could remember which isle it is in. When I got to the store I found the mat and it was marked up by $5. Five dollars y’all! I was very annoyed. I went to the customer service desk with my mat and my screenshot and she gave me the online price with no questions asked…probably because Target does this on a lot of items and people come to her doing the same thing all day. Annoying.

Is it too early to start Christmas shopping?

I started making a list of gift ideas for family members the other day. When I think of something really good for Milton or my mom I make sure to write it down or save it in my phone notes. As the years go by I find it harder and harder to shop for some people, especially my parents. As far as Milton goes, when in doubt I just get him new socks and underwear. Married life.

New Coffee Maker

If you follow me on Instagram and watch my stories you know that our Mr. Coffee crapped out on us last week. I was devastated. I polled everyone to see what coffee maker we should get next. Well, I took no one’s advice and spent a whopping $20 on a Black and Decker slow drip coffee maker. We are really straight forward with our coffee, so I just wanted a quick replacement for now. A handful of people suggested Keurig, and some suggested the Ninja. I used to have a Keurig and I just don’t like the taste of my coffee in one of those machines. It doesn’t taste as rich and strong as a slow drip maker. I might look into a Ninja during Black Friday sales.

Caroline Met 50 Cent

I’m still not over this. SO…last week Milton ran to Specs to grab a couple of bottles of wine. He sent me a photo of a poster that 50 Cent was coming the next day to promote his liquor. Milton said he wanted to take Caroline. Pshhh, okay. So we went to Specs. We had been standing in line for about 30 minutes or so. Caroline was getting a little restless I ended up pulling out her bottle and letting her snack. Nothing like feeding your baby in a liquor store. After a few minutes a man pulled us out of line and brought us to the front so we didn’t have to keep waiting with the baby (baby perks). We were told at the beginning that you’d get ONE PHOTO and be done. Well…we took a family photo and Milton took it upon himself to ask 50 if he’d hold Caroline. He said yes! He honestly held her for a good few minutes, and clearly we ended up with more than one photo. She loved his diamond chains. I told him that she has good taste. Absolutely hilarious. We will never forget this.

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