Grab your coffee and let’s chat. I’m sharing what you need to know about the upcoming Day Sale, a little Caroline update, and what’s new in my Etsy shop.
Save the date for July 19th. It is the second ever (LTK) day where brands offer discounts solely on the LTK app. The app is free to download and a great place to shop ((not just for this sale, but all of the time)). While I do create content specifically for the LTK app, I also shop through the app. A lot of my style comes from other bloggers on Instagram and LTK. I have shared an image below with the brands participating in LTK day on July 19th. I have already started building content for retailers like Academy (think jogging essentials, backyard fun, guy gifts), and Outdoor Voices. If you’re not already, I would love for you to follow me on the app. Just search “caitandcoblog” and click “follow”!

Etsy Shop
I announced a while back that I opened an Etsy shop. Read that post here. Since that post I’ve added some tie dye onesies! Unfortunately sizes are limited (only 12 and 18 months). Milton and I got into tie dying during quarantine and got a little carried away. You will also find Sampson and Son’s hats.
I debated with myself over and over again about sharing this. Not because it is a sensitive topic, but because it was something that I was worrying about as a mom that has turned out to be okay so far. I would like to think I’m not the kind to seek out attention with drama. Yes, I like to borrow trouble (I blame anxiety), but I typically keep it to myself or call my mom about it.
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is when the hip does not properly form. DDH is common in breech babies, firstborn babies, and females. Caroline checks off all of those boxes. If you’ve read Caroline’s birth story you would know that she was born breech. She was screened for DDH at six weeks (routine for breech babies) via ultrasound. I vividly remember them spending more time on the left hip. The results came back good, so we did not need to take any corrective action.

Just after her first birthday I was noticing a pop in her left hip while I was carrying her. A few months later Milton and I noticed that she was walking noticeably uneven, and almost dragging her left leg some. Naturally, I start googling DDH and thinking about making my toddler wear a hip brace that would essentially make her immobile. I made an appointment with her orthopedic doc. They took an x-ray and I made him watch her walk. He said the x-ray looked great and he chalked the uneven gate to balance. All of that worry and concern to be able to sit here and say she’s fine. As a mom, this consumed me for a few weeks. If you want to learn more about DDH please check out the International Hip Dysplasia Institute’s website.