Favorite Pregnancy Products So Far

September 17, 2018 Comments Off on Favorite Pregnancy Products So Far

Excited to share a little post on my favorite pregnancy products so far. Today marks 16 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy. Where has the time gone?! Just kidding, because so far it kind of feels like time has been dragging. I would never wish this special time away.


Preggie Pop Drops

These were a lifesaver when I traveled for the first time. I had been relying on Tic Tacs to keep a fresh taste in my mouth and ward off nausea. I went to visit my best friend that had a baby six months prior. She asked if I had heard of preggie pops, and pulled out what she had left over from her last pregnancy. Preggie pops are a hard candy to help with nausea during pregnancy. I found them at Target near the pregnancy tests.

Talk about godsend. I was eating these like crazy on the flights home from visiting my friend. I ended up going through the whole package in no time and had to buy more before my first trimester was over. They’re super yummy!


Ovia Pregnancy App

When trying to conceive (or TTC if you’re familiar with the terminology) I used the Ovia Fertility App to track my cycles. I really liked it, so I downloaded the Ovia Pregnancy app once I got pregnant. I can log all of my symptoms, meals, and physical activity in one place. The app is easy for me to refer to during doctor’s appointments to answer any questions the doc may have for me, or remind me of questions I have for my doc. This post is not sponsored by Ovia. I had a lot of friends recommend these apps, and it turns out that they work for me, too!


Elasticity Oil

A friend of mine was so sweet and sent me a little care package when I was about 9 weeks pregnant. She included some items she enjoyed during her first pregnancy, including this elasticity oil. This oil is intended to reduce itchiness and protect against stretch marks. You can bet I have been using it religiously.


What To Expect When Expecting

This book was the first item I purchased when I found out I was pregnant. I searched other blogs for different books, but I kept coming back to this one. This. Book. Has. Everything. It can answer almost any question you have about pregnancy from development of the baby each week to your rights at the workplace. The index in the back has been extremely helpful. There’s so much information included in this book, but you can flip back to the index if you’re looking for something specific.

What have been your favorite pregnancy products? These are some of my most commonly used products in my pregnancy so far. Let’s be honest, I’m just getting started.

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