Keeping Up With Caroline: 8 Months

November 7, 2019 Comments Off on Keeping Up With Caroline: 8 Months

I am a couple of weeks late on this month’s post, but that is probably because I’m chasing this child around telling her “no” every time she tries to grab a cord or a trash can. We never really baby proofed our home, but some things you just figure out along the way. And yes, I know that the “i” in Elizabeth somehow fell off of the letter board before these pics.

Tutu Onesie, Similar, Similar | Moccasin socks | Chair


Caroline is always standing. She thinks she’s big and I think she needs to slow down and stay baby. I had to clear off our coffee table for her. Now it is covered with her toys and dents from her banging things on it. Her new thing is to go from the coffee table to the couch and back to the coffee table. She also likes to shuffle around the coffee table or back and forth along the fireplace.

She has also gotten very chatty again in the last month. Caroline uses her consonants a lot (lalala, dadada, mamama). There have been a couple of times where she has yelled “MAMAMAMA” when I have left the room, and “dadada” when Milton is playing with her.

Just like The Wonder Weeks predicted, she is a lot more affectionate right now. She gives kisses and I just melt. She even kisses her Mimi when we FaceTime. We also throw some occasional fits over nothing, as pictured below.


Sleep has been great lately! She just needed REAL FOOD a few hours before bed so she’d have a full belly for the night. If I had just been following the Moms On Call schedule closer I would have realized that. She is still waking up at 6:30 quite often.

The time change was a little rough, but it only took her about three days to adjust. Her body clock was all off and her BMs were coming at 5:30 am (lol, I’m sure you wanted to know that). I didn’t do anything different to prepare her for the time change. We just went along like normal with her schedule. Sure, it was hard to get her to stay awake until her regular nap time, but we managed to do it.

Since it has been colder I did buy her some fleece pajamas. On the cooler nights I put her in a short sleeve onesie with fleece pjs over it. I don’t let the thermostat go below 68 or so. When the inside temp is 70 to 72 she sleeps in a short sleeve onesie and footed cotton pajamas. We used to do a sleep sack, but she is such a mover now that I like to give her legs freedom.


Still on the BLW train. Its really been awesome for when we go to restaurants. I can plop her in a high chair and give her food off of my plate. I find it easiest to eat at Mexican food restaurants because rice and beans are always on the menu. Her pincer grasp has gotten better and she does decent with the rice and great with the beans. Most of it still ends up on the floor though.

I have already created a monster by exposing her to Nutella on toast. She also loves pasta (who doesn’t). I introduced her to peanut butter via those peanut butter puffs. She’s was into it. I actually don’t like peanut anything, but I’m not going to deprive my child of it.

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