Pregnancy Update: 8 Months

February 19, 2019 Comments Off on Pregnancy Update: 8 Months

The third trimester has been a doozy, y’all! It’s true what they say about the second trimester being the honeymoon phase, because all kinds of annoying little symptoms like to pop up in the last three months of pregnancy. All in all, I have been extremely blessed with a healthy and smooth pregnancy. Milton and I can’t wait to meet this little girl that we’ve been so patiently waiting for.

Typically I am so excited to post my latest pregnancy update. With this one I really had to make myself sit down and put it all together. Right now my mind is going 90 to nothing getting last minute things ready for baby. If you read my post about preparing for baby’s arrival, you know I’ve been busy meal prepping, washing tiny clothes, and organizing it all these past few weeks.

32 weeks

I had a baby shower in Galveston this weekend. Came home with so much good stuff. I did a better job exercising this week. I got a good walk in three days in a row (thanks to the good weather).  

33 weeks

Lazy bones. Didn’t take any notes this week. 

34 weeks

This past weekend I had my last baby shower in my home town. Swelling was so bad after the 5 hour drive back to the island. It practically took two days for it to go down. 

The carpal tunnel is only getting worse. My bed time routine is now right wrist brace, left wrist brace, night guard (for clenching), and then struggle to find a comfortable position.

35 weeks 

I’ve been guzzling water through the night. I always go to bed with my steel water bottle full. One night I finished it by 2 am (I think I woke up four different times that night). 

So far acid reflux has been very infrequent, but on Saturday night it just wouldn’t go away. Everything is so crowded in my belly at this point that there is probably no avoiding it. I’m probably going to have to cave and finally buy some Tums. A few days later: Ended up not buying any Tums. After that night I didn’t really have bad reflux. 

36 weeks

Tuesday night I think she dropped.  Extremely bad hip pain all night unlike any other night. I was tossing and turning and could not get comfortable. My mind was going nonstop and had dreams of going into labor. Turns out I was sooo right. She totally dropped that night and the pics say it all!

37 Weeks

Man oh man, Monday felt like the hardest day ever. I don’t know what it is, but my body just totally rejected Monday. Everything was aching, especially my back. Maybe baby was dropping a little more

Today (Wednesday) I had my 37 week appointment. I’m dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced. Since I’m now at term, I’m waking like I’m getting paid. Last night Milton and I walked a little over a mile on the beach, and today at work I walked after each restroom break (which was once an hour, on the hour). By the end of the day I racked up about 2.5 miles. I’ve been sitting on my birthing ball at work. It gives my back a break, but it is almost like it lets my hips spread too much. If I sit on it too long my hips start to hurt a little. 

I got my hair cut today. It was long overdue, and I wanted to do it before baby comes because goodness knows when I’ll get around to it again. I also bought a couple of things to go in my hospital bag. Full post on that to come after baby. 

Weight Gain

At the end of week 37 my total weight gain is 28 pounds.

Pregnancy Thoughts

I’m so over all of my maternity clothes. I’ve literally been rotating three pairs of black leggings, about five cardigans, and a handful of maternity tank tops and t-shirts.

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