Recent Baby Purchases (6 to 8 months old)

October 22, 2019 Comments Off on Recent Baby Purchases (6 to 8 months old)

I am constantly browsing Amazon, Target, and Walmart finding new baby products that I want to try out or really need for Caroline’s current stage. I typically share them on Instagram stories, but I want to put them somewhere permanent in case you’re interested!

Click on the image below to shop each product (except for the Parent’s Choice Rice Rusks, those are only sold in stores).

VuSee Monitor Mount

We have had Caroline’s monitor on a shelf in her room since she was born. It has worked perfect for us until now. Caroline slept in my old crib from two weeks old until this week (9 days away from turning 8 months old). My crib was old (I’m talking 1940’s old) and did not lower. I’m sure most millennial moms reading this are absolutely cringing, but my brother and I both slept in that crib and we turned out fine, haha. Now that Caroline is pulling up we felt more comfortable putting her in a new crib that lowered as much as possible. With the new crib, the original placement of them monitor wasn’t working at all. For a few nights I used some nails and duct tape to put her monitor on the wall (I should’ve taken a picture). This mount was an amazon find. It is super simple, and mounts using command strips.

ChooMee Starter Spoons

We have been giving Caroline solids for about two and a half months now. I started with rice and purees, and we have added some regular foods recently to try the Baby Led Weaning technique. However, I still give her purees (like prunes when times get rough). Caroline REFUSES to let me feed her with a spoon. Yay for independency, but man does she make a mess. The baby spoons I have are metal with the rubber end (which turns white when it comes in contact with food that is too warm for baby, which is pretty cool). They work just fine but they’re a little challenging for her to use. Enter the ChooMee spoons. I’d seen these online and my friend Britany Marshall uses them. Below is Caroline after her first ChooMe spoon experience.

Dr. Brown’s Level 2 Nipples

Caroline has been using level 1 nipples all this time. I tried a level 2 nipple her around 4 months old and she threw up her entire bottle after drinking it. We went back to the level 1 until two days ago. I’ve read that some babies are fine using level 1 throughout their bottle feeding, and some babies move up nipple sizes early. The packaging suggests level 2 nipples at 3 months+. Clearly that was not the case for us.

Fisher Price Walker

I found this baby at Marshall’s for $17. I thought it would be perfect for Caroline now that she is pulling up easily. It wasn’t until I talked to my friend Rachel that I realized I purchased the most elementary version of this toy. The more expensive version allows you to lock the wheels so the toys doesn’t slide out from under your child when they pull up. That would be ideal. I’m just sticking with this one and assisting Caroline when she uses it. If you’re ever in search of new baby toys I highly recommend Marshall’s. They have a great toy section. I couldn’t find the exact toy online but here is a similar one close to the same price.

Parent’s Choice Organic Strawberry Rice Rusks

I love me some store-brand products! These Rice Rusks are from Walmart. I did not think I’d be that mom with snacks this early into motherhood, but here we are. I like to keep some of these in the diaper bag for when we go to a restaurant or end up out of the house longer than expected. Caroline feels very included when we go to a Mexican restaurant and she gets her rice rusks while we munch on chips and salsa. Unfortunately, these crumble easily. I might try out a few other brands, but she likes the way these tastes so they work well for us. These are not available online, but I always include them in my free grocery pick up orders.

Munchkin Miracle 360 Sippy Cup

Anyone else buy this sippy for their kid having no idea how it actually worked? I had to use it myself before I fully understood the functionality of it. We have a more traditional sippy cup from NUK, but I wanted to give this one a try. This specific cup claims to be “#1 recommended by dentists” and my MIL is a dentist (I wanted to be a dentist but that’s neither here nor there at this point). Caroline caught on to it quicker than I thought she would. I’ve seen her bring it to her mouth herself only a handful of times, but I’ll take it! So far it has not leaked on us. We have taken it in the car and out in public. I like it so far.

Stasher Snack Bag

Anyone else a little obsessed with things.i.bought.and.liked? I’m pretty sure if I were to meet her we would become friends in an instant. I find her hilarious, and I love all of the stuff she posts. She shared these stasher bags a while back. At the time, I was not very interested, but now that I am constantly toting snacks around I am. When my first stasher bag came in the mail I was obsessed, so I clearly needed them in different sizes. The snack size is perfect for cheerios.

Oversized Bows

Are we surprised that I love a good oversized bow? Of course not. I was sick of paying $12 for a strip of fabric tied into a large bow so I searched “oversized baby bow” on Amazon and here we are. I got 8 bows for the price of one “boutique” bow. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop small, but I NEEDED these in more colors and $12 a pop just wasn’t going to work for me.

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