Coffee With Cait No. 4

February 6, 2020 Comments Off on Coffee With Cait No. 4

Grab your coffee and let’s chat. Today’s coffee topics: my birthday, Caroline’s first birthday, and a LIKEtoKNOWit update.

Happy Birthday to me

Last Friday was my 29th birthday (ew, right?). That’s all I have to say about that.

Caroline’s First Birthday

I did not I realize the whirlwind of feelings and emotions I would experience during this month leading up to Caroline’s first birthday. Forget my birthday, my baby is turning a year old! One year ago I was super pregnant and preparing for my life to change forever. In one short year I have watched her grow and change tremendously.

I’ve been planning her party for a little while now. Let’s be honest, this party is more for me and Milton than it is for Caroline. Sure, she’s going to open some presents, smash her cake, and play with her tiny friends, but I’m really throwing this as a celebration of surviving parenthood for the first year.

The party won’t be Pinterest perfection, but it is going to be FUN. It will be Mardi Gras themed (I’ve had my heart set on this since before she was born). The Walmart in Galveston carries all kinds of Mardi Gras decorations so it will be super easy to spruce up the house. I’ll do my best to take pictures and share the party on here later!


If you are not already, I would love it if you followed me on the LIKEtoKNOWit app. This is the platform where I link products to my images shared on Instagram and here on the blog. I also post images exclusively on the LIKEtoKNOWit app! I do this for a few reasons: 1. Some images just aren’t quite Instagram-worthy 2. Collages are an easy way to share outfit inspo 3. I post multiple times a day without annoying anyone on Instagram.

Here are a couple of my most recent LIKEtoKNOWit exclusive images… click on the items to shop!

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