What’s In My Diaper Bag

February 10, 2020 Comments Off on What’s In My Diaper Bag

I am a self-proclaimed professional pack mule. That is just what happens when you have a child. You know things in your life have changed when you ask for a new diaper bag for your birthday. This Barrington Gifts bag has been on my list for a while. Not only is it so cute (can you believe that’s not real cowhide?!) it fits tons of Caroline’s stuff.


You NEVER know when a blowout could happen. Knock on wood, but we have yet to need our spare outfit for a blowout. The one time I remember having to use our extra outfit was when Caroline and I went up the road to go shopping. It was in the 70s on the island, so I dressed her in a tank top and pants. When we got to the mall the temp had dropped 15 degrees! Thank goodness I had some longer sleeves in her bag.


I always have a bottle and formula in the diaper bag, even if I am just running errands close by. This was a little more challenging when I was pumping and had to take a bottle out of the fridge. Since Caroline has been on formula I just keep this formula container and an empty bottle on hand.

In the last month I have been slowly turning into a snack queen. Now that Caroline is eating solids throughout the day I keep a couple of different snacks in my bag. I found these reusable food storage bags on TIBAL and I like to keep cheerios in them. Caroline really likes these fruit and veggie bites (similar to a yogurt melt). I keep them in a small plastic container. They didn’t keep fresh very long in the stasher bag. This also serves as a noise maker/toy for Caroline in desperate situations.

I noticed that I didn’t include Caroline’s bib! It must have been in the dish washer. I love this roll-up bib because it saves space and the dirty side is not exposed. Highly recommend.

Diapering and Such

There is the obvious…diapers and wipes. I have tried Target and Walmart brand diapers and we ended up going back to Pampers. I really like the Target brand wipes though! They are very similar to Pampers wipes.

I keep sunscreen with us at all times. Milton loves an impromptu trip to the beach. The Johnson’s baby creamy oil is my favorite lotion. I’m probably going to start buying it for myself.

We have yet to need to use the thermometer, but I like to keep it with me just in case. Caroline is teething now, and sometimes it will give her a low-grade fever. Ironically though, I don’t always have Tylenol in the bag. I should probably add that.

Mom Stuff

The things I have in the diaper bag for myself are pretty minimum. When I was breastfeeding I kept chapstick because my lips were always so bad. I had a hard time staying hydrated. Now I like to keep a lipstick/color in there. I actually don’t like this Revlon lip color that much. Most of the time I am wearing a Kylie Lip.

Hair ties are always necessary. I bought these silk scrunchies for my stocking this Christmas and I’ve been loving them. Ibuprofen is also a MUST. Whether the pollen is really high or I had too much wine the night before, I do not like to be caught without some relief.

Notice how there is just one tampon. This is all I carry in the bag. I typically have a bigger stash in my car. TMI ALERT…..I recently started using a menstrual cup and I’ve found it to be life-changing.

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