A lot of people say six months old is their favorite age. I can’t say I love one age more than another, but this age is a lot of fun. Caroline has become so interactive.
Lots of mental and physical developments going on! I feel like I say that with each update though. It is simply amazing how fast babies learn, grow and change. Milton and I are constantly in awe of Caroline.
From month 5 to month 6 Caroline started bringing her knees up under her and getting onto all fours. I think the first time I saw her do this was in her crib! As of this week she can go from her hands and knees to sitting on her bottom. She is not crawling yet but she is just missing one piece of the puzzle. She picks up both legs and her right arm, but keeps her left arm planted for support. It is only a short matter of time before she gets that arm going. I’m about to be so busy.
I downloaded an app called The Wonder Weeks that goes into great detail about the developmental leaps babies experience. It is originally a book, but now comes in an app version for $3.99 and its so worth it. According to the app, Caroline is learning relationships. Caroline has started reaching for me when she is being held by others. I low key love it. However, she is still very happy when being held by people other than myself. She is a social Sally, and that will probably never change.
Caroline has been rocking some two hour naps lately! It is amazing because I can get so much done. As far as her schedule goes, I’ve never had a set nap time for her. I let her tell me when she is tired, and her schedule has mostly revolved around feeding times. For the longest time she was taking a bunch of short (30 to 45 minute) naps. For the past three or so weeks she has stretched her naps to two hours, and sometimes even longer. I’ll let her go about 2.5 hours if she really needs it.
Sleeping at night is still going well for the most part. She consistently wakes up around 6 am, however, I do not get her out of her crib until 6:45 or 7:00 am. Sometimes she is waking up as early as 5:30…hence the early cat nap.
At six months old Caroline weighs 17 pounds. This is a very official weight taken by me holding Caro on my bathroom scale, and then weighing myself and subtracting the two weights. Haha! I’m not sure how long she is. She is mostly wearing 6 month size clothing except for pajamas (which tells me that she is def longer than 24 inches now). Her feet are about to bust out of her 6 month footed pjs, so we have started wearing some 9 mo pjs.
Around three weeks ago we started some baby foods! Caroline started showing some real interest in food, so I knew it was time to start the purees. We have been slowly easing into the baby food game. Right now we are eating rice cereal, squash (which she loves), pears, and carrots. I’m following the Moms on Call baby food introduction calendar.
I have weaned off the pump this month. Around 5 months I started introducing formula. Originally I was making bottles with one ounce of formula and the rest breast milk, but now Caroline gets two bottles a day of breast milk (her am and pm bottles) and the remaining are formula. If you recall, I had eliminated diary from my diet to reduce her reflux. There at the end I started eating dairy again and she seemed to be handling it just fine. However, I did have her on soy formula to start out with. It almost seemed like she spit more with the soy, so I put her back on a regular formula and she’s being doing just fine.