Pregnancy Update: 6 Months

December 10, 2018 Comments Off on Pregnancy Update: 6 Months

Month six of this journey has come to an end, and we are moving right along into the third trimester now. I feel like it has been forever since I have shared a pregnancy update. Baby is growing lots and I’ve still been feeling great. I’m extremely thankful for all of the energy I’ve had throughout this pregnancy. 

Orange chenille sweater dress, over the knee boots
Orange chenille sweater dress, over the knee boots

Dress: Nordstrom | OTK Boots: Goodnight Macaroon | Earrings: Kendra Scott | Necklace: Baublebar

22 Weeks

There’s been no shortage of Halloween candy in my house, and at my office! I’m all about the Kit Kats, and a little bit of sour candy here and there. On the night of Halloween we had a bucket of all kinds of mini chocolate bars. My sweet tooth selfishly saved half of the Kit Kats for myself and didn’t hand them out to kids. Once our bucket was almost empty we went ahead and turned off our porch light so we could enjoy the rest of the candy on the couch, haha! 

23 Weeks 

Super vivid dreams. Bad dreams too. Made a point to exercise more. Cookie consumption was getting a little out of hand. 

I’m starting to swell just a tad. After weekend road trips I notice it in my ankles and feet. I now just wear my wedding ring. Wearing the ring + the band is a little tight and uncomfortable. My hair seems to have finally stopped falling out! For the past 19 weeks I’ve had to clean out my hair brush after each use. That has slowed down. 

24 Weeks

Confession: I haven’t been to yoga in about three weeks. My month ran out at the studio I was attending and I’ve been too lazy to go back and pay for more classes. I was hitting the sea wall for 30 to 40 minute walks a few times a week, but then Texas decided to skip fall and go straight to winter, so I stayed cozied up at home in the evenings. This week I made an effort to move a little more inside. I have this mini stepper that I brought home (I used to keep it in my office) and I try to get on it in the evenings. Then I bought a dozen iced sugar cookies from the store and ate them in like 4 days. No regrets.

25 Weeks 

My feet started swelling at work. I kicked them up on my desk and it went away almost instantly. This is the beginning of the end lol. 

Bending over to tie my shoes is becoming more difficult. The belly is large and in charge. 

At the end of this week I found myself a little more tired than usual. I can tell my body and baby are growing bigger faster and I can feel my body telling me to rest. I’m taking advantage of the opportunity to nap while I can, because come March sleep will be hard to come by. 

26 Weeks

I’ve noticed that my rate of weight gain has picked up. Baby girl is around 2 pounds now and getting bigger by the day it feels. I’m doing my best to stay active while still listening to my body. I try to make a point to get up from my desk at work and move at least once an hour. This is typically accomplished with my frequent bathroom breaks. Speaking of bathroom breaks, those have become more frequent throughout the night. I wake up twice a night to potty these days, but sleep pretty hard for the most part. 

I bought a new pillow for support and I love it. I just shared it and other favorite products in a recent post. It gives me belly and back support without being the size of a full body pillow. I think if I used a pillow that large that I’d get hot in the middle of the night. 

So at the conclusion of this week I worked out 4 out of 7 days! Feeing good about that. 

27 Weeks

Baby girl must have turned this week because my belly is definitely not sticking out like it was before. 


Milton and I started going to the gym this past month. I just wasn’t getting enough exercise at home. When we make it to the gym I spend about 25 to 30 minutes on the elliptical, then 15 minutes doing some light weights. Some weeks I don’t make it as often as I would like, but that’s ok! 


As I mentioned in week 25, swelling has been the new symptom this past month. Other than that, the acne is still hanging out on my chest and back. I feel like I finally have that shiny pregnancy hair though!

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