It is so hard to believe that I’ve been writing on Cait and Co. Blog for two years now! The day I went live with this thing I was terrified and excited at the same time. How were people going to respond?! I’m so glad I took the jump, though. This is something I always thought I could do, and it has been such a blast rambling on and taking fun pics.
Last year on my blogiversary I shared what I learned in my first year of blogging. There are probably a handful of things I could add to that post, but this year I want to do something different and share my top posts from the last year. Besides my pregnancy announcement, I was pleasantly surprised by which posts received the most views. It is really fun (and extremely helpful) to look back and see what posts performed the best.

Dress: Show Me Your Mumu (old) Similar | Shoes: Marc Fisher (old) Similar | Necklace: BaubleBar | Earrings: Kendra Scott
We Are Pregnant!
Obviously this was one of the most exciting posts to share EVER!!! I know a lot of friends and family keep up with the blog, so there’s no surprise this one got a lot of hits. I was just beside myself to share this news. It was sooo hard to wait until until the second trimester to press publish on this post. However, there’s no right or wrong time to announce a pregnancy. Milton and I decided to wait until week 14 because that is what we felt most comfortable with. Our friends Brittany and Jeff met us on the beach one afternoon to take these photos of us. It was a fun little afternoon, and such a cool thing to share with close friends.

Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kit Review
This is my number two most read post! I actually have Brittany to thank for this post as well. I was on the fence about Kylie Cosmetics for the longest time. As far as I was concerned, she didn’t need my money! If anything, she should donate some of hers to the little people out there like me, right?! Haha! Brittany bought a few as Christmas gifts one year and was raving about them. It was enough for me to cave and purchase my own. Now I own like 4 different colors, bought my mom some, and got another friend into it. This stuff is pretty good.

Dress: Nordstrom | Sandals: Nordstrom
Baby Sampson Gender Reveal
In this post I share how I totally thought baby Sampson was going to be a boy. I completely convinced myself that baby boy Samp was on the way, and I was shocked when Milton hit that golf ball and pink dust flew. I also share all of my symptoms and the wives tales that people use to predict the sex. Most arrows were pointing to GIRL.

Dress: Nordstrom | Earrings: Kendra Scott | Shoes: Similar
Life Update: Exciting Changes
If I had to guess, I bet a lot of people clicked on this post because they thought I was pregnant. Nope! After six months of applying to literally every job I could find I finally accepted a job offer on the Island. This was a big time for me. I had been spending my time working on the blog and training for a half marathon, but I was honestly becoming extremely stir crazy in our apartment. I definitely miss being able to put so much time and effort into the blog, but I’m so thankful for a job that is so close to home and helps me provide for my growing family.

Cute Outfit Ideas for Rodeo Season
This is such an appropriate post for this time of year! The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is still going, and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be here before you know it. Getting dressed up for the rodeo is so much fun for me, and last year I finally worked up the courage to get a cowboy hat! Milton gave it to me for my birthday last year (which is today btw). In my opinion, it takes a bit of confidence to pull off a cowboy hat. Those things are statement makers!

Sweater: Chicwish | Jeans: Old, Similar | Bag: Barrington Gifts | Shoes: sold out, Similar
Daily Schedule As A Full-Time Blogger
So this doesn’t exactly apply to my life as of late, but if you’re able to and just starting to blog full-time you might find this post helpful. I share my hour by hour schedule of blogging, exercise, and whatever else I had going on at the time. I really didn’t know how good I had it. Been missing those mornings on the couch with coffee and Live with Kelly and Ryan.