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Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

April 27, 2021 Comments Off on Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

My second pregnancy is moving right along. After my recent appointments I have a few exciting updates to share.

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Baby’s Position

At my anatomy scan (around 20 weeks) we made a couple of discoveries that required a little monitoring: low placenta and breech presentation. Read more about my second trimester here. I recently had my follow up ultrasound and was thrilled and surprised to find out that my placenta is totally clear of the birth canal, and baby sister is currently head down!

With those two factors in place, a TOLAC is an option for delivery. TOLAC stands for “trial of labor after cesarean”. A successful TOLAC = VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Can you tell I have done some research on the topic? For those that do not know, Caroline was born via scheduled c-section due to breech presentation. We did not discover this until my 38 week appointment. You can read her birth story here.

I believe baby sister turned head down around 31/32 weeks. Milton and I were outside pulling weeds one evening. Later on I was feeling extremely uncomfortable, and little did I know that was likely when she decided to flip. Since then I have felt SO MUCH BETTER. Her big head is out of my ribs and I have just a little more room to breathe now.


Last week I started nesting like crazy! The urge to purge, organize, and clean really hit me. I washed all of baby’s new clothes and hung them in her closet, by size of course. In the kitchen, I rearranged cabinets to make room for bottles and breast pump parts. I even pulled the crib out of the attic (it’s a walk-in attic, no ladders for me) and put it together in her nursery by myself.


I have a little diastasis recti on my belly (separation of muscles), which is probably from picking up a bag of potting soil. Oopsie. This muscle would get especially tired by the end of the day. I would find myself having to hold it if I was laughing or about to sneeze. For a little support, I tried this kinesiology therapy tape. I actually think it helps a decent amount! The tape stays on for a few days. I have used baby oil or coconut oil to remove it.

Like my last pregnancy, I’ve been using Noodle and Boo Elasticity Oil on my belly and hips for stretch marks and itching. I have noticed that my stretch marks happen on my hips, so that’s where I concentrate with the oil. My belly hasn’t been itching near as bad this time (second pregnancy & my skin must be used to the stretch). Noodle and Boo has since come out with a postpartum oil. I might go ahead and buy it to use for the last few weeks since I’m almost out of my other.

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