Journaling to Reduce Stress

March 13, 2018 Comments Off on Journaling to Reduce Stress

Cami: Express | White Jeans: Nordstrom | Denim Jacket: Similar at Nordstrom | Sneakers: Target (only $12!) | Baseball Cap: Similar, Other | Necklace: Nordstrom

If you haven’t noticed…I’ve taken a little hiatus from writing blog posts. The other day I found myself a little  overwhelmed with stress and tried something new to reduce it.

While sitting at my desk I pulled up YouTube and searched relaxing music. I figured if I turned this on I could close my eyes and clear my mind to soothing noises. Well, I closed my eyes and my mind started racing (gotta love that anxiety). So I pulled out a notepad and pen to get it all out of my head. On a sheet of paper I made two columns: one titled “stressors”, and the other titled “blessings”. In the “stressors” column I started to write down anything happening in my life right now that is causing me to stress. I started out pretty slow, and then the list started growing. New job, new daily schedule, planning a party, dirty laundry, empty fridge, less time to cook, making time to exercise, so on and so forth. Then I moved to the next column: blessings. Like the list of stressors, it took a little bit to get me going, and then the blessings started flowing out of my mind. New job, more structured schedule, Milton’s job, a family that loves me, a healthy body and physical ability, and so much more.

I have always been one to journal. I think writing down your feelings, thoughts, needs, and worries is such a healthy way to decompress. And it is so simple. The most important thing about the list I wrote was ending with the good. Back in high school when I played golf I learned that you should always end on something good. This was important when I would hit golf balls at the driving range. Always end on a good one, so you are excited to come back and keep working on it. When journaling or praying, always end with the blessings. Remember all of the wonderful things you have going for you!


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